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The Ins and Outs of Employee Surveys

Employees are critical to the success of your business. Their satisfaction and support are necessary to ensure that your organization is functioning as you would like it to, and satisfied employees can help you to increase productivity, decrease turnover, and improve profits. The Business Research Lab, a leader in employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction surveys, offers the following tips when evaluating your need for and implementation of employee surveys.
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The Top 10 Ways to Retain Good Employees

Losing top employees can be very costly to your organization. But these days, retaining your best people can be very difficult. Are you ready to do what it takes to retain your best and brightest?

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Tips for Managing & Retaining Superstars

Old management tools no longer work. In the past, volumes have been written about the importance of compensation and work flexibility in motivating and retaining employees. Most executives will not argue the role these factors play. However, recent workforce trends are forcing managers to re-evaluate the tools used to keep top-notch talent. To reduce turnover, you must first seek to understand the primary causes behind it.
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Transforming Your Workforce from High-Turnover to High-Retention

Replacement costs usually are 2.5 times the salary of the individual. The costs associated with turnover include lost customers, business, and damaged morale. In addition are the hard costs of time spent in advertising, screening, verifying credentials, references, interviewing, hiring, and training the new employee just to get back to where you started.

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